Hi friends. Use this custom action when you want to punch with a MIDI footswitch. The custom action helps to suppress extra reports from OSARA. With it, you'll only hear "record" and "play" reported when you press your footswitch, whereas without it, those reports would be repeated again when you release the footswitch. Here are the actions we used: Transport: record OSARA: mute next message from OSARA Two important things to remember when you're binding this to your footswitch: 1, the hardware controller you are going to use for this action must also be enabled as a hardware controller in your MIDI settings. 2, Don't forget to set the combo list that appears when assigning a midi controller to an action, to Relative 2 "midi CC 63=-1, 65=+1", which is the third item in the list. Happy punching. JPR (and a lil bit of Scott getting lucky on this one)