This is an attempt to make block copying and cutting in reaper a bit easier, reducing the usual steps necessary. You can block copy in reaper using time selection and track selection. 1. make a time selection 2. select some tracks. 3. invoke either action block copy, or block cut. 4. If you did block copy then you can paste anywhere you like. using control v. Be sure to line up your tracks correctly if you are doing a block copy on a song, for instance if your selection started with track one on top, then make sure your paste starts with track one on top. 5. If you did a block cut, then that is it, your stuff you cut should be gone. You can still paste it anywhere you want as you did in block copy using control v but if you don't then it will be a block delete. Notes, These custom actions combine two actions each. block copy combines a. 40718 Item: Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection b. 41383 Edit: Copy items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) within time selection, if any (smart copy) and block cut combines a. 40718 Item: Select all items on selected tracks in current time selection b. 41384 Edit: Cut items/tracks/envelope points (depending on focus) within time selection, if any (smart cut)