If you need to host libraries on a different drive where you have more space available, you can create a junction with a small free software, Hard Link Shell Ext. It's child's play. This junction solves the problem with SSD5, SessionDrummer, ReaLibrary, as well as all instruments in SFZ/SF2 format or any VST that uses a sample library. Example: In the documentation of SSD5 with LBL, we state it is absolutely necessary to install the library in C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins Let's suppose you want this library to be on your D drive instead. 1. Move the library to your D drive using Explorer. 2. Select the new location that contains the library, (D:\SSD5 Library in this example), and create a junction. I'll explain how to do it below. Once you have Hard Link Shell Ext installed, simply select the disk or folder that contains the new location of your SSD library, press Applications key or Shift+F10, scroll down to "Pick Link Source" and press Enter. 3. Now go to C:\Program Files, select the VSTPlugins folder and paste the junction into the VSTPlugins folder. To do this, press the applications key or Shift+F10 again, go to the "Drop as" submenu, go down to "Junction" and press Enter. A junction is now created in the VSTPlugins folder, and its name is exactly the same as the new folder which contains your SSD5 library. Now when you open Steven Slate Drums, it will look for the samples in C:\Program Files\VSTPlugins\SSD5 Library. The plug-in believes it has found the samples in this location, but in truth, it will load the samples from D:\SSD5 Library. Here's a link to download the mentioned software, this page also has details of how you can support its developer: https://schinagl.priv.at/nt/hardlinkshellext/linkshellextension.html#contact Thanks 1000 times to Matej Golian for this tip! Lee Julien wrote it up, and Scott has touched up the Anglais.