Connections on back of unit, looking overtop of it with the front panel facing you, described from left to right: Microphone and line combi jacks three through eight. Line outputs, paired vertically: 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8. on top, optical connections, 1/2 in, 1/2 out. Below optical in 1: Word clock output. Below optical out 1: USB C 2.0 connector. Power socket. front panel, described from left to right: Inputs 1/2 (each can be microphone, Line or Instrument). Channel input buttons, paired vertically: 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8. 48V phantom power, instrument level input (note that these two buttons follow straight after Input 7 on the top row). Below the last two buttons is Smart Gain, long oval button. Screen. Multi-function knob: labelled "main volume control". To the right of the knob, top button is Main output select, bottom is Programmable function button. Two right-most buttons on top row, left selects headphone 1, right selects headphone 2. Below those, headphone jacks 1/2, left to right.