Front panel from left to right goes a lil somethin' like this: Input 1 (female combi jack) Input 2 (female combi jack) Gain 1 Gain 2 You'll find two latching buttons above each of the gain knobs: The left button toggles Line/Inst (line level input is out, Insturment level input is in) The right button is Pad (off is out, on is in) Output knob, with latching Direct Monitor button positioned above it Headphones jack, with headphones volume knob positioned above it. Back panel left to right, described from the perspective of looking over the top of the interface with the front toward you: Pair of output jacks (left is output 1, right is output 2) Phantom power switch (left is on, right is off) Kensington lock port is positioned above phantom power switch USB type A connection As ever, if this prooves useful to ya and you can afford to buy me a coffee for taking the time to write it up, donations of any amount sent to will be poured down my parched gullet.