Top panel: Faders for 4 channels with mute button below each To the right of the faders, the column of vertical buttons are FX presets numbered 1 through 6 from the top downward. You can customize these and save them using the GoXLR on Linux utility. Then there's a slight gap below, and 3 more buttons arranged vertically again, those are sample banks A, B and C. Top nearing the right, the 4 knobs arranged in a square are: Reverb top left Echo bottom left Pitch top right Gender bottom right Below the knobs are four sample pad buttons arranged like the edges of a square frame. The Clear button is in the middle of them. The column of larger buttons down the right side from top downward are to enable/disable FX: Megaphone Robot Hard Tune FX Another slight gap below, then Censor (plays 1K Tone and overrides mic when held down) Mic Mute (mutes when held down, unmutes when you let go). That behaviour can be modified in the GoXLR Utility. Back panel connections from left to right if you're looking over the top: DC in Optical in USB Kensington lock slot Line Out minijack Phones minijack Mic minijack Line-in minijack XLR mic