Provided by InnerSanctum Entertainment Ltd. setting up and lay out of the behringer x-touch control surface. Additional information for the x touch Nb. 1. The fourth button under the first nob to the left of the x-touch is the select button and is the only select button used to activate all setting changes. 2. The select button should be pushed every time you find a setting that you want to choose in the menus, because as you turn some of the nobs the information on the scribble strips of others may change as shown in the rest of this document. 3. All information given goes from the left to the right of the x-touch. This means, that (1.) is speaking about the first nob to the left of the x-touch and (8.) is speaking about the 8th nob to the right. 4. While turning the nobs in the first row of the x-touch there are little clicks that you can feel as you turn. Each of these clicks means that if there are multiple options found on the menu it has just changed to another one. 5. The information on each nob has been given in order of left to right in other words, as you turn each click to the right, would bring up the information in the same order that it is written in this document. 6. To save or activate any of the settings the select button must be pressed. 7. You should restart the device after pressing the select button after you choose your settings each time. 8. The information is given in a format which reflects the fact that, as some of the nobs change the information on other nobs scribble scripts change as well. Holding down the first select button on the left of the control surface while putting it on brings up the following information on the scribble strips: 1. Mode . Mackie mode and Hui modes. By default it is on HUI mode Turning the first nob to the right brings it to Hui mode and turning it to the left takes it to Mackie mode, note that no matter how many times you turn the first nob to the right it always goes to Hui mode and same for the left. e.g. if you turn it 1 or 5 times to the right which is clockwise, it would remain on hui mode, if you turn it 1 or 11 times to the right which is anti-clockwise, it remains on Mackie mode 2. IFC USB, midi, network. By default it is on midi Turning it to the left takes it to USB, which is where you would most likely want it to be. 3. Only when the second nob is turned to network Mode, SLVIP, DHCP 4. Only when the 2nd is on network When 3rd is on mode Role Master by default but can be turned to slave by turning to the right. So left turn is master and right turn is slave. When 3rd is on SLV ip: X... 192 When 3rd is on dhcp On and turning to the left makes it go off. In other words, right is on and left is off. By default it is on 5. SLV port only when 2nd is on network and 3rd is on mode and 4th is on master 5004 When 3rd is on SLVIP .x.. 168 When 4th is on slave port 5004 6. Only when 3rd is on SLVIP ..X. 1 7. When 3rd is on SLV ip ...x 1 8. LCD brightness control. By default it is on 40% Nb. 1. All numbers can be changed 2. The numbers change by plus 1 as you go to the right and -1 as you go to the left. So be careful and pay attention to the little clicks that the nobs make while turning them. when you reach 0 in any of the number menus any more turning to the left yields no change, it stays at 0. For the upper limits of these numbers as you turn to the right however, the information is unknown to me, as I have not tried to see how high the numbers go. 3. The port numbers default at 5004 but I don’t know if you change them how you would return to 5004 if you need to for some reason, in other words, I don’t know how to bring the x-touch back to default settings. 4. When you are at the left most setting, turning the nob any more to the left brings no change and same for the right. E.g. if you are on USB mode, since this is the first option to the left on the second nob, if you keep turning left it remains on USB mode. This is the layout of the X-touch. commas are used to separate or differentiate between buttens from left, to right. The various sections, start with a slight description of the location of the butten/port/nob, so that they are easyer to identify. at the back: please note, we are in frunt of the x touch, but bending over it to reach to the back. so our left in this case, would be the right, to someone facing the back of the device directly. this is where the usb and power switch are located, the power cable is also connected here. from the left: foot control section, three inputs 1. expression peddle 2. foot sw 1 3. foot sw 2 midi: in out USB midi to computer USB hub input 1 and input two, one atop the next remote ethernet power switch on/off ac in power cord on top of the interface, we are starting from the top row and moving from the left to the right. this is for the faider or (channel) section only. 8 turnable and pressable nobs, under each nob is a scribble script 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 there are 8 turnable and pressable nobs at the top end of the device, these match the 8 scribble scripts located directly under them, then they are followed by the same collom of four buttens on each of the 8 channels. from top butten to bottom butten are as follows: record solo, mute, select, faiders 1to 8 are located under the colloms of rec solo mute and select buttens. they line up with the 8 nobs above. second section to the right of the surface, again, we start from the left and move to the right. these are the buttens to the right of the 8 nobs. encoder assign: track, pan/surround, EQ, send, plug in, inst screan section. one butten on the left of the screan and one on the right there are words to the top and bottom of the buttens and they are listed. left butten: (top) display (bottom) name/value right butten: (top) SMPTE (bottom) beats screan info: this is what is labled on the screan (top) solo, hours, minutes, seconds, frames. (bottom) assignment, bars, beats, sub devision, ticks. First row of buttens under the screan. located under the butten to the left of the screan, (display butten) and to the right of channel 8's record butten, there is a global view butten. this butten is to the left of the following buttens: midi tracks, inputs, audio tracks, audio, inst, aux buses, outputs, user. under the global view butten is a flip butten under the flip butten is the main faider. the second row of buttens under the screan function section: f1 to f8 third and fourth rows of buttens under the screan note that the 3rd and 4th rows have 7 buttens each. a bit of explanation, these buttens are placed in sections, with some of the buttens of that section located in the 3rd row. while its corresponding buttens are located in the 4th row, under them. remember we are going from left to right in sections. modify section: four buttens two on top and two on the bottom top row: shift, option bottom row: control, (a simbol (not sure what it is)/alt automation, has three on top and three below top row: read/off, write, trim bottom row: touch, latch, group utility section, has four buttens two on top and two below top row: save, undo bottom row: cancel, enter fifth row under screan. transport section: marker, nudge, cycle, drop, replace, click, solo sixth row under screan. five rectangle buttens bigger than the rest, located over the jog wheel: in the format: (symbol) then the name of the butten (double arrow to the left) rewind (double arrow to the right) fast forward (square) stop (tryangle to the right) play (circle) record four buttens located at the top left of the jog wheel (top two) fader bank (left arrow and right arrow) (bottom two) channel (left arrow and right arrow) located to the top right of the jog wheel is one single butten. scrub butten to the left of the jog wheel five buttens: up arrow, right arrow, down arrow, left arrow, and the center butten has a plus sign then the jog wheel I hope this is useful.