Scarbee MM bass keyswitches: With A49 set to -1 octaves then lowest C is C1.  Set to +1 then F5 is to the right of what is normally middle C. By default, automatic string selection is on which mimics minimizing movement of the left hand. Force string selection by holding down E1, A1, D1 or G1.  Can hold down more than one to state multiple preferred strings. F5 to B6 allow dictating the fret. These notes mimic the bass E string.  So F is the first fret. There is some string noise played when using these switches.  How much string noise depends on how far you are moving. Articulations. Sustain is the normal play mode. Velocities lower than 40 are played muted. Velocities below are played as harmonics if that note can be played as a harmonic. Force mutes with A#0  key. Hammer on and offs work by default for semitone or whole tone gaps.  Just play legato. Force hammer-ons and pull-offs across wider ranges with F#1 (manual says F#0). Grace notes are fast hammer ons and you don't get the hammer on sound.   Just two notes played quickly. To play a slide, hold down first key, press sustain pedal, and then play next key.  Probably only works if possible on a real bass guitar. Buzz trills and trills can be forced by pressing G#1. (manual says G#0)   Velocity of play affects how long the trill lasts.  Trill trails are triggered with  G#1 again and then pull off by a semi or whole tone.  Pick up clap, the sound of slapping the pickups, is done with A#1. Manual says A#0. Can't access automatically played samples feature as this is done in settings.  Don't think they are in the parameter list. Alternate finger playing.  This is automatic so when you play slow you just get samples played with an index finger, if you play the same note fast repeatedly, you get alternating index and middle finger playing.  Force this behaviour with C0. Cross hammering.  Don't know what this is in bass playing and couldn't follow the example. Chords.  Force chord mode with D#1 (I think though manual says D#0).  Means there is a small lag whilst bass waits for all keys to be played in a chord.  How sloppy you can be is in settings. Chord slides can be done by playing a chord, pressing the sustain pedal, and then playing the single root note to slide up to. To sustain a note, use A0. Manual says A1. Remember the actual sustain pedal is used for slides), so use the keyswitch just like a sustain pedal. Vibrato is available by default with the mod wheel.  There are settings available in the vibrato section but this is in the GUI so can't use. Hope someone finds this useful and interesting, Chris G _