This is just a listing of the available functions when using the bcf2000 with the Klinke Mackie control drivers. The 7 pairs of buttons on the right side of the bcf2000 will be numbered starting from the top pair, where the upper shift button is number 1. The lower shift button will be number 3. Below is a listing of each button, starting with 2, with the number, the function assigned to it, then the upper shifted function and then the lower shifted fumction. 2. send, flip, command. 4. track, group, control. 5. EQ, unassigned, write. 6. plugin, save, global view. 7. pan-surround, undo, read/off. 8. instrument, time, latch. 9. bank-left, channel-left, shift. 10. bank-right, channel-right, option. 11. rewind, replace, marker. 12. fast-forward, solo, nudge. 13. stop, click, cycle. 14. play, record, drop. For the mute buttons 1 thru 8, unshifted is mute, upper shift is solo, and lower shift is f1 thru f8. For the select buttons, unshifted is select, and upper shift is rec ready. The select buttons with lower shift each have their own functions. 1. midi tracks. 2. inputs 3. audio tracks. 4. audio instruments. 5. I don't know because the select 5 button is not working on my unit. 6. buses. 7. outputs. 8. user. I would imagine that the f1 thru f8 commands have special functions. This should at least be a good place to get you started if you are using the bcf2000 in mcu mode which is selected by holding the mute button for channel 2 while powering the unit up, followed by the "exit button which is button number 6 in our layout. The klinke installation folder has a pdf document that goes over the functions, though most of it assumes you are using a regular mackie universal controller. I hope this explains things enough. Gord