Here are some tips on how you can get through older inaccessible iZotope installers using the command line. These have been tested on Windows. If you're a Mac user who can try these tricks in Terminal and report back, please let us know what happens via RWP, the Reaper Access WhatsApp group, or email so I can update the document. Credit for initial discovery of this method goes to Parthy Siva. Robert Hänggi followed up by accessifying a list of parameters from the installer's unattended help documentation (coming up later). Scott is throwing it altogether in one place and clarifying a few points as he goes. Method 1: Easy Generic Install. FIRST, You need to navigate to the directory where the .exe file is in command prompt. To change directory, use “CD C:\DesiredDirectory” Then give the following command, replacing the relevant filename and without the quotes. "setup.exe --mode unattended" The installation will start and after sometime, it will complete silently. The total time until completion will depend on what you are installing and how your machine performs. If you want a visual progress bar in case it helps to know when it is done installing, use the following command instead: "setup.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui minimal" To simplify this process if you don't spend much time in the command line, Parthy recommended the following: I usually rename the setup file to something simple like nectar.exe, create a folder called Temp on my C drive and move the installer I'm going to run into the Temp folder, all done in Explorer as per usual. Once done, the commands I need here are something like: “CD C:\temp” “Nectar.exe --mode unattended” Or if I want progress, then the second command would be: "nectar.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui minimal" Again, always without the surrounding quotes. Method 2: customize your installation with additional parameters. Using the --help switch opens a (somewhat inaccessible) window. Here's the content for Ozone 9 Elements 9.1.0. Usage: --help Display the list of valid options --version Display product information --unattendedmodeui Unattended Mode UI Default: none Allowed: none minimal minimalWithDialogs --optionfile Installation option file Default: --debuglevel Debug information level of verbosity Default: 2 Allowed: 0 1 2 3 4 --mode Installation mode Default: win32 Allowed: win32 unattended --debugtrace Debug filename Default: --installType Default: easy_install Allowed: easy_install custom_install --enable-components Comma-separated list of components Default: UsageAnalysis,requiredInstallSupport_component,aaxSelection_component,vst2Selection_component,vst3Selection_component,nksSelection_component Allowed: UsageAnalysis aaxSelection_component vst2Selection_component vst3Selection_component nksSelection_component --disable-components Comma-separated list of components Default: none Allowed: UsageAnalysis aaxSelection_component vst2Selection_component vst3Selection_component nksSelection_component --forwardAnalyticsEnabled Help iZotope improve Ozone Elements by sending anonymous application usage data. This setting can be changed after install in the options window (if applicable) or by reinstalling. Default: 1 --AAX AAX Default: 1 --AU Audio Units Default: 1 --VST VST Default: 1 --VST3 VST3 Default: 1 --prefixInstallDir Location: Default: --prefixVST64Path Location: Default: ***unknown variable programfilesroot64***\Steinberg\VstPlugins --desktopShortcutScope Default: Allowed: forAllUsers forCurrentUser --desktopShortcuts_parameterList Create desktop shortcuts Default: 1 --installer-language Language selection Default: en Allowed: sq ar es_AR az eu pt_BR bg ca hr cs da nl en et fi fr de el he hu id it ja kk ko lv lt no fa pl pt ro ru sr zh_CN sk sl es sv th zh_TW tr tk uk va vi cy Last update: first draft on 18th Sep 21.