This is an experiment in the works. There are two ways (probably more, but this should suffice for now) to loop record in Reaper. 1. Method 1: presented by Kenny Gioia in his Youtube tutorial, see below. I hope I copied his custom actions correctly. Please feel free to make corrections and update accordingly. Please find a custom keycap file that should contain all the actions you need. 2. Method 2: suggested by Chris G on the Reaper list. Steps below: - create a new track (Control+t, Command+t on Mac). - insert a new empty item using the "insert" menu. - arm the track and turn on "normal" for track monitoring (F7 and F8 respectively). - select some time, say from bar 1 to bar 3, then press control+r (command+r on Mac) to turn on "repeat mode". - use alt+backslash (option+backslash on Mac) to rotor to the "auto-punch for time selection" mode. - select the empty item, inserted earlier, and turn on the following "play all takes" and "SWS Set Monitor Track Media" options. - set your tempo and whatever else before recording. At this stage hitting the "r" key should begin loop recording. At each iteration a new take will be recorded and the rest will be played as a stack. - press the SPACE bar to stop recording. - if you plan to do more work on takes, such as panning them or applying various effects, I would recommend exploding those takes to separate tracks (there is an action to do that). I have uploaded to this folder a custom keycap that includes all the actions that can be activated with a single shortcut key. Thanks and enjoy! Vic